But, the very difficulty of consumption of raw foods, or a high vegetable diet, is probably what makes them often a good choice for someone who wants to lose weight in an affluent society. 但是,实行生食或者素食的困难,使他们只是那些生活在这个富足的社会的想减肥的人们的一个好选择。
The extraction of special vegetable raw materials, application and modification of vegetable tannins, as well as the analysis and investigation based on the vegetable tannins were also explained. 进一步阐述了特殊原料中植物鞣剂的制取,植物鞣剂的应用及改性研究,以及基于植物单宁的分析与研究。
Deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert. 背脊很深的黄褐色热带水果;生时可当蔬菜吃,可做色拉,成熟后可作餐后甜点。
The base and stalks offennel can be eaten raw in salad or cooked and eaten as a vegetable. 茴香的根和茎能放在色拉中生食也能烧熟作蔬菜吃。
In China we never ate celery raw, or any other kind of vegetable raw. 在中国,我们从不生吃芹菜,也不生吃其他任何蔬菜。
You like raw vegetable more than cooked one. 比起煮熟的蔬菜来,你更喜欢吃生的。
To provide a main reactant for the formation of meat flavor in the Millard reaction, soybean was used as the raw material to prepare hydrolyzed vegetable protein ( HVP) by acid hydrolysis. 以大豆为原料,通过酸解法制备植物水解蛋白(HVP),以HVP为原料通过美拉德反应制取肉味香精。
This paper analyzed the influence of raw materials on bacterial vegetable cheese and identified the physiological and biochemical characteristics of QU1. 分析了原材料对细菌型腐乳品质的影响,对筛选的QU1。
Raw commercial diets containing very little or no vegetable material are available, in which the whole prey animal is already ground, bones and all. 市面上有蔬菜含量非常少,甚至是完全不含蔬菜的商业贩卖的生食食品,当中未经烹煮的整只动物已经被去骨、压碎及处理过。
However, reports of foodborne outbreaks associated with such raw vegetable sprouts have raised concerns among public health agencies and consumers. 然而,与这类生芽苗菜有关的食源性疾病暴发的报告增加了公共卫生机构和消费者对这一问题的关注。
The vegetable breeds which average contents of heavy metal are high have three-coloured amaranth, asparagus lettuce, raw vegetable, onion; 重金属平均含量明显较高的蔬菜品种有苋菜、莴笋、生菜、葱子;
Methods: 30 factories with hygienic licenses on producing and sanitary conditions were investigated, the raw material ( including rice and vegetable oil) and prepared wet rice noodle also were sampled and detected. 方法:对30家持有卫生许可证的河粉生产企业进行生产和卫生状况调查。
For purifying raw water for tap water treatment, the aquatic vegetable bed ( AVB) experiment has been carried out in a hypertrophic waterfront of Taihu Lake, China. 为净化富营养化水源水中的藻毒素,在太湖湖滨进行了水生植物床(AVB)技术试验。
This paper gives a review on the flavor of several usual raw materials of the pickled vegetable and the fermentation production and the flavor characters is summarized, to provide the theoretic basis for simulating all kinds of flavor intensifier of pickled Vegetable. 本文对几种常见腌菜原料的风味物质及其发酵产物进行了综述,从而为模拟各种腌菜风味增强剂提供理论依据。
This paper dealt with the main content of the innovation of traditional processing technology of pickles in detail, including ways of vegetables purchase, varieties of raw materials, technique of pickling, storage methods of salted vegetable, and technique of aging. 该文介绍了对酱腌菜传统生产工艺改革的主要内容,包括蔬菜收购方式、酱腌菜原料的品种、蔬菜腌渍工艺、蔬菜咸坯贮存方法、酱渍工艺等。
With spinach to be the main raw material, this paper investigated the methods of valuating fruit and vegetable paper quality. 探讨了以菠菜为主要原料,探讨果蔬纸的加工方法。
Studies on the production process of paper vegetable ⅱ. The optimized design of process parameters of dehydration of raw vegetable by use of distant infrared rays 纸菜生产工艺的研究Ⅱ.菜泥远红外脱水处理工艺参数的优化设计
At present, the raw materials of biodiesel oil are mostly from Vegetable and animal oil, but they are high expensive. 当前生物柴油的原料主要来自动植物油脂,但其成本偏高。
Then we use cabbage as raw material to produce vegetable edible paper. 并以卷心菜为原料,研究了蔬菜食用纸的成型工艺。
Acidified oil as raw material to produce biodiesel not only can solve the problem of relatively high prices of raw materials, but also can solve the vegetable oil refining plant pollution caused by improper disposal of oil foot problems, which shows a good economic and social efficiency. 以大豆酸化油为原料生产生物柴油,不仅可以解决目前生物柴油原料价格偏高的问题,而且还较好地解决了植物油精炼厂油脚处置不当带来的环境污染问题,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。
In this article, cabbage and wax gourd as raw materials are used to produce vegetable wrapping paper, and the comprehensive properties of vegetable wrapping papers the evaluated. 本文以卷心菜及冬瓜为原料,研究了蔬菜包装纸的制作工艺条件,并对蔬菜包装纸的综合性能进行评价。
Leaf mustard ( Brassica juncea Coss.) is an important raw materials for processing of pickled vegetables. The market demand of leaf mustard is gradually increasing with the rapid development of the pickled vegetable processing industry. 叶用芥菜(BrassicajunceaCoss.)是加工腌制蔬菜的重要原料,随着腌制蔬菜加工产业的迅速发展,市场对叶用芥菜的需求量逐渐增大。
Alkyd resins as raw materials, mainly vegetable oils, with a wide variety of sources, low prices, free from oil prices, and easy to paint, paint film and other advantages, so are more and more attention. 醇酸树脂主要以植物油为原材料,具有来源广泛、价格低廉、不受石油价格的影响,并且易于涂装、漆膜丰满等优势,因此受到越来越广泛的关注。